Today's science and culinary arts are finally catching on to what the ancients of China, India, Babylonia, Persia, Egypt, and the Americas knew for centuries: Hemp is one of the tastiest, most powerful superfoods on the planet. Deliciously nutty in flavor, hemp is gluten free and naturally reduces inflammation throughout the body. It contains all nine essential amino acids--making it one of the few plant-based complete sources of protein--and is a great source of gamma linoleic acid (GLA), critical for detoxification and hormone balance. Plus, hemp quickly and noticeably improves the condition of skin, hair, and nails. Each of the nearly 200 recipes in this innovative cookbook uses hempseeds, hemp nuts, hemp flour, or hempseed oil. Vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores alike are honored, and there are many gluten-free recipes as well. The diversity of dish runs the gamut from comfort food such as Hempnut Burgers and Hempnut Fried Chicken to foreign-inspired exotica such as Pumpkin Hempanadas, Hemp Spätzel, and Green Papaya Spring Rolls with Spicy Hemp Dipping Sauce. Also provided are substitutions for hemp ingredients, as well as a list of resources to help readers find top-quality hemp ingredients.

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